Am I My Brother’s Keeper? Dostoevsky, Hubris and Palestine
Once read, it’s unforgettable. In The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoevsky pens a scene so devastating, so horrifying, that it burns itself…
Join me on my journey as a writer and read all my poems, treatments, short stories, and novel outlines here.
Once read, it’s unforgettable. In The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoevsky pens a scene so devastating, so horrifying, that it burns itself…
Do you love this image? Its it called “Through the darkness, light still exist” and you can view it on…
If I told you that my Syrian husband was abusive, to the average Westerner, their first response would be: “Well, he’s Syrian. That’s how they are. It’s cultural.” But if I made the same confession to the average Middle Eastern person, particularly to a woman, they would immediately start telling me about what rights I have, not just under the prevailing laws of the country that I live in, but also, many of them would more confidently and more emphatically tell me about my rights according to Islam. Which are plentiful, by the way.
Love this picture? Check it out here on Etsy. My Family Tree Trees don’t just grow up in Palestine, They…
Man in a Chair I will not bow my head to you, I will not let you in, You will…
Do you love this picture? If so, see it on Esty here. In The Service of Two Kings In the…
Do you love this picture? If so, see it on Etsy here. If I knew the last time, was the…
In the land where olive trees sway,
Children of Palestine, we hear you play.
Underneath the moon’s soft glow,
May peace embrace you as the winds gently blow…